Saturday, January 19, 2008

Where Can I Buy Swartkopf Products

panta rei

A person whom I care the other day told me that last year we lost that we have thrown away. It 's true, with this person what happened. With many others do not.
Yet this evening, just hours from that international flight that will take me so far, I'm so afraid, because This time everything is different.
In three months I'll be here again, it is true, but how we'll stay? How long will I spend on people who were near me so far? What I can share with them? What will remain of these intense years spent together? Photos, cards, video, words? The word "memory" is the word I hate most in the world, I just can not hear ...
always the same person I mentioned earlier told me that he envied those who leave, why put one on so many bricks to build their future.
Just, just, for pity's sake, but at the same time I am bringing down those walls behind me as I turn my back and I'm gone?
The fear is this. It is enough. Everything else, I know, it's perfect.
To exorcise all these bad thoughts, I leave the two of them.

In high seas or in high seas, I'm gonna be your friend,
and in high tide or in low tide, I'll be by your side ...

Hugs and kisses, and diffused a pleasant journey to you,