Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Are There Any Games Like Fantage And Club Penguin

wave of emotion

There are stories that are told with much better picture that through a thousand words.

That is a revolt of the Burmese monks that moves, of course, but he also thought.
The international community is forced to confront a protest by a few photos, a few blurry video immediately gained a universal value, many argue that the merits of both the new media that allow you to convey to the world in real-time news about what is happening.
I say that despite the Internet and the media have certainly played an important role in this matter, the universal force of this movement is actually in the message it brings: a message of rebellion, of course, the spasmodic struggle for freedom, but a completely peaceful struggle, which relies solely on strength in numbers, unity, fair and firm opposition to a regime that oppresses the people for 45 years.
Nobody can close our eyes to these "doves";
no one can accuse them of defending their rights by the same means used by the regime of oppression;
no one can question their "honesty" intellectual
no one can talk of civil war;
and, even if the UN intervention will surely blocked by the vetoes of the great powers, no one in them, can never pretend that this did not happen.

I know, the prosecution will probably (actually has already begun), many will die unjustly, the regime will prevail once again, but these monks have shown the world the strength and moral force of a message fed not only by violence and peaceful resistance.

Once the history has vindicated those who believed in the strength of these paradigms universal ... who knows it will not happen again.

Kisses hugs and disseminated,


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