Monday, October 29, 2007

Honda Xr250 For Sale In Cambodia

the object of desire!

It was not just that, and was not called "princess", but my beloved backpack with wheels is not significantly different from that of the picture!
And after the great success thanks to one of my last post (where the debate continues plus) that I could not pay him this small honor and thank him for all the beautiful (even less beautiful ... let's face!) moments that gave me during the roaring years of the medium!

I love you, backpack with wheels, and will not deny you ever!
yes, I know I'm stupid, I know, I know! But I could not do it ...
Hugs and kisses spread,

Friday, October 26, 2007

Fanfares Shoes For Women

serre-moi! I almost prefer

I love them to death!
this song and the rain bring me back a few months ...

Better not think about it, come on. Enjoy the song though!

you "greenhouse" all in one big hug

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Free Harley Davidson Virtual Birthday Cards

Mastella ...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Watch Nightmare Campus Vol 1

small, poor Benni ...

When I was little I always thought to be the poorest of the group ...
For heaven's sake, that I have never caused complex parts, but I always believed that the fact that others from school could have 10 packs of cards, while I barely gets one and the fact that they have hundreds of Barbie, Ken, Barbie-pink puppies, camper equipped with multi-mega-barbie, golf shoes, tennis and soccer barbie, dresses, beach volley ball, first-of-scale or service Milat for barbie, when I, instead, I had to settle for those poor little bodies of plastic (often undeservedly naked) with frizzy hair or shaved already passed from the hands of the merciless my sweet sister and the fact that they could change their colorful backpacks every year while I was forced to turn increasingly to what was then the subject seemed more "nerd" in the world (the backpack with wheels) ... well all these things I looked like a clear, unequivocal, unquestionable proof of the poverty of my family.
Towards 11/12anni, self-censorship even my requests convinced that the tamagotchi, the latest model tennis shoes with bubbles depressurized to jump higher than ever, the computer, the original soundtrack of Titanic, etc.. were never within our grasp.
course, something did not return my sister attended a private university, traveled often, visited some beautiful places (but not those havens exotic-hot-all-l ' years boasted to my friends ...) and, ultimately, there lacked nothing, but I was always confident of being the poorest.
Only now, after a long, slow, traumatic awareness, really understand that what my parents had a way of educating them, an attempt to keep me away and protected from the dangerous consumerism you now "kidnapped" as a child, causing them to have more needs forced, unnecessary, and my family has tried to instill values, dare I say a hierarchy of values, I have no doubt that I, in which material goods are always had little importance.
Today, at twenty-one that I feel surrounded by a Milan supeficiale, where the dress is important to sign (true or false), where the issues are the most popular discount Esselunga or kindness orders from Louis Vuitton, where in 18 years if you do not buy the car you are a loser ; where if you do not spend at least € 8 cocktails, "then how can you have fun?", where on Saturday morning at 10, the filling of Vigevano purchasers of the w-end and where the Sunday all the supermarkets are open ... well, I say thanks to my parents as big as a house!
For all to no unnecessary claims that seemed to me essential to bring them to my little friends, for having invested so much (from all points of view) in my "theater education, in our travels, in our" food culture "for having sent a civic passion and politics major, to have bought the video-recorder when it was too late for 7 days on 7 stoned in front of Disney movies and many other things.
Hugs and kisses spread

Monday, October 8, 2007

Fluid Pouch Of Gouglas

after the end of exams (and already here I deserve a clap !)...

... three days of intense, full, stimulating and relaxing, three-day listening and reflection, as well as entertainment!
I'm talking about this weekend he spent in Ferrara with a small band of political scientists at the "meeting" organized by International who managed to bring this jewel of a city (UNESCO UNESCO) thousands of people hungry for information and counter-information, incentives and dialogue.
IEH already, because we were always so many waiting hours in line in front of that blessed Apollo cinema for a meeting with journalists like David Rieff on the war on terrorism in the USA, for the screening of a film and delicious as bitter as Persepolis, for a comparison between Arundhaty Roy and other great writers and journalists from various places on the planet on the contamination between journalism and non-fiction literature of commitment "civil" were many to follow in silence the stories of Amira Hass on the tragedy of the Palestinian territories occupied by Israeli settlers, many were mainly around the city with the look a bit 'dazed and amazed, to cross each other and smile, to ask advice on where to eat in the evening or for better Time will not find too many rows at a conference. It 'great to see so much curiosity, you realize how many beautiful people, after all, share your interests, your same concerns, m espite certainly different paths from which they come.
And even though I am always arises the doubt and fear that events like these are likely to become a mere "exercise intellectual exercise" for fake highbrow who feel gratified by the knowledge and confirmations, or white young Westerners think they can change things through just as their white and Manichean world views, or still might be a refuge for the defeatists cronic luxuriating in the bad news that can be heard here, that I have left this weekend is still a feeling of positivity and desire to do, continue to inform, to listen, to study, to fight, to write ...

Today Jerome has displaced me, making me come to terms with an implicit choice, perhaps not yet definitive and certainly not yet metabolized I try to constantly remove from my brain. I am afraid to confront with certain things and I often pretend to dismiss and bury them under a heaps of other smaller daily choices ... but it is clear that it is not. I just wanted to thank those who helped me to remember.
last few days in this part is officially started my life as a graduate student: I have to start a thesis a bit 'odd and even move to complete it! But above all I have to decide what to do with my future: All proposals are welcome, even the most extravagant.
The best will win a coveted prize ...
plug in! Hugs and kisses