Saturday, February 23, 2008

Female Tattoo Designs

Juno and other amenities

adequately prepared for the Oscar night I just saw "Juno "The independent film that, after winning the Rome Film Festival, is likely to win four of the precious statues (including best film and best director) that will be distributed tomorrow night.
This is a tender film, kind, sensitive strings lightly touching, a film that tells a particular story in a very "normal", non-judgmental, no universal solutions, magic formulas or Greek tragedies in Hollywood ... I really enjoyed and highly recommend (especially for girls).
One of the highlights of the film is without doubt the interpretation of Ellen Page, the young protagonist, so different from the hundreds of teenagers to the rescue of a thousand strokes from disney channel that I have to put up with from morning to night in this house, not If nominated for the Oscar against various sacred cows. When I read

the stories of these "enfants prodigy" (Ellen is a year younger than me), I wonder if the choices made so far have been the right ones, if you have not taken the wrong road, if I have missed the opportunity to become other than what I'm getting. My mouth, nose, ears and above all full of doubts that buzz incessantly.
It seems to me that everything is running so fast and that long-postponed decisions, have now been made from time to my place ...

Then luckily, by chance, your mp3 player pulls out a song heard a thousand times and re-heard in a very popular spot, but played for the first time three minutes ago:

"Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in

No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins

The rest is still unwritten"

C'è speranza...forse.

In ogni caso un grande grazie a chi ha inventato POP music and this kind of comforting slogan!

For the rest it's all right: I take care of the little children, but especially explore, chat, I look around, I know other au pairs and I have breakfast in the typical American bar with retired .. well, I'm acclimating.

The photo that I leave is emblematic of c me that the Americans call art ...

Hugs and kisses to all common (and a Special thanks to dear Jerome that he remembered me in his blog ...) Love


Monday, February 11, 2008

Difference Between Negligence Malpractice

Black with white ... no dyes and American musical dominance deserved!

Yesterday, returning from the beach, I was lucky enough to find one of the few buses going around here, I uploaded my powerful medium on the convenient bike rack attached to the nose of the bus, I paid the ticket and I looked around. I was the only white. All my fellow passengers, mostly African-American women, were returning from large luxury hotels in South Beach Sunday after yet another arduous work.

Since here the impression is that the great American model of integration is a bit 'a myth, at least in these parts. Whites with whites, blacks with blacks, Latinos with Latinos, Orthodox Jews (a huge community in Miami) with Orthodox Jews. Of mixed couples I think I've seen (not known, but only views), two more than twenty days. As soon as I got my family has called you to be careful because "even though ours is a good neighborhood, the nearby black neighborhood is ...". The public school is the eldest daughter in the area of \u200b\u200bLittle Havana, the most Latin of the city where 60% of those talks, however, as before English language, but the child does not attend any of his companions outside the school context. Only neighbors (white ones) or children of friends.
communities do not have time or opportunity for dialogue. Hispanics and African-Americans usually work for whites. The report ends here.
But it is not just a matter of social position, ethnic differentiation itself as horizontal problem, beyond the barriers of "class: the rich are blacks with blacks, with whites and poor whites are, so to speak.
Wherever there are written in English, English and even Creole, even these do not help clivages language.

Looking at things from this perspective we can understand why Barack Obama really represents a real novelty. Of course, things do not change with a magic wand, these divisions have become crystallized and solid and not just a president of color to their relaxation. But it would be an important recognition that would go well beyond the month of "black history" under way in that time or the place dedicated to Rosa Parks on the bus ...

Beyond these considerations, beyond a certain limit that is harmful to health, last night I enjoyed three hours and a half of Grammy Awards: for this there is nothing to tell friends, Americans do it better!
E 'was really an exciting evening, including commemoration of former great artists, performances of new and unimaginable duets, who would have made the apparently very bad kid rock singing, and well, with seventy-five first ever winner of a Grammy 50 years ago? Where you find Tina Turner 200 years singing and dancing with Beyoncé still fun as a young girl wrapped in an embarrassing silver jumpsuit? Or Alicia Keys duetting with the hologram of Frank Sinatra? O Aretha, the vast, endless, wonderful Aretha that performs with a wonderful gospel choir? And the legendary Amy Winehouse singing via satellite because they have not given a visa, but then Cucca all the major awards (I stress that I discovered when I still did not know anyone ... ahem !)??? O tear while Kanye West raps the song for the dead mother?

A feast of music (not just pop and commercial, but also black, jazz, indie, rock, country and so on and so forth), and also of the glamorous American kitscheria ending in the most beautiful way, with a finale that is completely unexpected given that the award for best album of the year, instead of going to the already titolatissima Amy sgallettato or some artist from the standings, was awarded to the composer and jazz musician Herbie Hancock, with its dismal 40,000 copies sold, unless all expected to receive this award! But ...

Hugs and kisses to all popular

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Small Burnt Orange Bathroom Rugs

in cars made in installments, god is dead ...

Today we went to buy (actually a lease) the new convertible car for Mr. Christopher, the father of my family "adopted".
The first impression you get coming here is located in a lush desert dotted with large, modern and secular (but maybe not), cathedrals, shops.

The main purpose is sold, no matter what, at what price, how. Never mind that cars, hamburgers, insurance, medicine, swimming, curling, robots for the home ... the important thing is to sell and, of course, buy.
The impact is quite shocking, especially when the person you are hosting at home, kind, intelligent, brilliant, really smart, instead of pointing the museum or the nearest beach, alerts you to the best mall in the area!
may seem a joke or an exaggeration, but it is so, and I assure you that this is not the typical fat American cheeseburger with protruding ears and burp included or addicted to fitness and lips redone chiwawa handbag from American TV series. .. Here
purchase takes just a social, cultural, almost its sanctity (which is perhaps the shops nn cathedrals are "profane"), if made, is an important part of the day, if not, a missed opportunity or a moment that you expect with fervor, with anxiety. Miami

course, much less the U.S. I believe, not just this and there are a thousand other things that struck me in these first two weeks and maybe I'll tell you later: the huge size of the town and the beach (which seems never end, and despite the beautiful and warm sunny days, it is always incredibly empty), the diversity of rhythms and styles of life of the little family with which I do, brilliantly, the baby-sitter, than the "Mediterranean" we are used to us ... and many other things really!

There will be time for now be content with these initial thoughts and messy! A big hug

ps the photo has nothing to do so with all the talk, but I liked it! If you want to see more go to