Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Php Seriennummern Generator Howto


I do not write on the blog for three months, I'm really a shame to humanity! Yet
of things I could tell plenty of them: in fact, now I'm writing from a computer at the Italian Embassy in Paris where I do a quarterly strictly unpaid internship.
In the meantime I'm back from Miami, I got the license, I found the most important people in my life, Political acid has become the most talked-about newspaper in the world, I unpacked, I redid the suitcases and now here I am!
After a month and a half here I've got some little thing fundamental

- if you want to be a diplomat must be able to lick your ass to everyone (everyone, without discrimination) is in a position even slightly higher than yours;

- all other in return you are free to treat them as doormats;

- the woman diplomat in Italy is practically nonexistent;

- the secretaries on the other hand are always women;

- diplomats always eat well that have both a latch and free petrol;

- interns in return you must bring schiscetta from home because there is no damage nun je ticket restaurant;

- is not true that diplomats are well aware of English and French;

- on the other hand I'm maturing a discreet spoken by them borgatara de Castelli;

- diplomats are a bunch so;

- if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to learn to use the internet, on the other hand, the diplomats could sit quietly at home all day to scratch his belly ;

I could go on, but the gist is simply that I decided to do a diplomatic career.

After gaining the choice of not wanting to make the au pair for life, here is this other important piece that is added to the heading "how not to throw his life down the toilet." Perhaps
proceeding three months in three months in about a decade I have excluded from the range of options for the future a sufficient number of professions ...

For now I leave you the picture of the reception we were invited for the festival on June 2 at the residence of the Ambassador. You try to scrounge the little that you can ...

Hugs and kisses to all common,
I came back,


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