Saturday, November 24, 2007

Dlbcl In The Intestines Survivor Stories


Thanks to Pino Scaccia that still manages to bring a little 'light (little, actually. .. but clearly not his fault) on all this.
Cursed world ...

blog by Pino Scaccia
In the Arab world are more and affairs over a cup of "glaciers" tea. When he appears on the table even a flag, formalisms as they are, there is doubt: it is an official meeting. So the meeting in Baghdad between U.S. General David Petraeus, the Iraqi vice president Bahram Saleh, the leader of the "Rebirth of the Knights of Mesopotamia," Abu al-Abed, documented by a photo, to make a deal. Only the man who calls himself Abu al-Abed until a few months ago (six to be exact) was the leader of the Islamic Army of Iraq, the terrorist organization which, among other abducted and killed Enzo Baldoni.
Thirty-five years, a former official of Saddam's real name to Saad Erebus Ubaidy, for years has fought hard against U.S. forces but has now changed jacket, works for the U.S. by which he receives wages, weapons and logistical support. The Americans are well aware of what they have done him and his organization moved en masse to the new group (General Petraeus is the commander of U.S. forces in Iraq) but turned a blind eye on everything, including the urgent request to return the deceased Italian of Baldoni. This was revealed by the OAL Hayat Arabic newspaper published in London who has interviewed the former terrorist leader. "The agreement was born six months ago - reveals the so-called Abu al Abed - a genuine contract of three months in three months, renewable. I guarantee security in the Sunni neighborhoods against the common enemy which is now al Qaeda. I have 900 men, 600 from the Islamic Army, the other Source police are Sunni. The Americans spend the salary (each man gets $ 360 per month), as well as modern weapons and bases. Sometimes we also support militarily, in short, we fight together. The past enemies? Cancelled ". Too easy. But the Americans, the only ones who could ask for (now even allies) already distinguished themselves in the investigations closed in quickly on genuine atrocities disguised as war against terrorism, no matter obviously a poor family who expects at least one body to cry on.


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