Monday, November 12, 2007

Wearing A Nappy To Bed

Benni, Benni, Benni argued thesis and illusions ...

Last night I saw the first part of the fiction on raiuno Rino Gaetano, in addition to having written some great songs, it is also one of my conterrone, but these are details!
The thing that struck me with no doubt more (and that the authors have pointed out a lot) was the continuing attempt by others to frame his music, his words and his behavior in a predetermined pattern in a mixed model, "but you where you stand?" was the question most common with which it was ill-treated. Are you a singer committed or light, you are a partner or a fascist ... and so on, and Rino, or at least its transfer to television, these rigid barriers could not fit, he could not build an image of itself capable of reflected in those built for him by others ... and suffered from it.
I came naturally to make a comparison between this representation and the reality of the reality of the "real" in which we live now, while it is true that today, then certainly more than and also because of what happened then, we live in an era that reached its peak of relativism cultural pluralism of ideas, values, etc. information. it is also true that, at least from my humble point of view of twenty born and raised in Milan, then as now we are subjected to continuous pressure from those who ask or requires us to take a stand.
Right or left, center or periphery, public school or private school, rich or poor, Catholic or not, pro-American or anti-American dude or alternative, heterosexual or homo-sexual, classical theater, or theater experimental pro-Israeli or pro-Palestinian, cinema or television, car or bicycle, or community center corso como ... etc.. etc..
judge and every day we are judged not so much who we are, but as we know in society, for which we decide to fill the box. I myself when I arrived in Lille and I met many new people, I realized that I always need points of reference to understand where "place" the subject in front of me than the models well packaged in my brain .. . but until then I had always believed to be an open person and without too many prejudices, especially because I had always hated being judged and "tabbed" through other schemes must, evidently, however, not either so I was free to this kind of generalization.
All this to say that maybe you should try to be a little 'more open and curious to the ideas and behavior of others and to comply with a range of reactions, attitudes and ways of seeing things a bit' wider than what we envision for usual, because, as I heard yesterday at the legendary, incomparable and wonderful Ian McEwan's "lack of imagination is the worst violence" because it leads to intolerance.
Hugs and kisses spread,
Benni "the schoolmarm-wheel"


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