Saturday, March 8, 2008

Diarrhea And Vomiting With Kidney Stones?


The other day I opened the folder where the kindergarten teacher put warnings for the families of the children. One of those invited to take an Israeli soldier, sending him a parcel of the value of ten dollars on the occasion of Purim (a major Jewish holiday).
The day before yesterday a Palestinian gunman killed eight Israeli students in Jerusalem, and during the previous week, the attacks by the Israeli army have made about 130 casualties among the population of the Gaza Strip.
automatically ask me why I came, instead of singing these children a hypocrite "Shalom Aleichem" (Peace be upon you) during the celebration of the Sabbath and then ask for their money for an army fighting an ongoing war, bloody, illegal and unjust, not what they are taught tolerance, peace, justice, why not help them understand that violence is wrong in every sense, because they convince us they are dead it is just crying and insulting to the dead ...

These things leave a bitter taste in the mouth because they know how few are the hopes for change: engaging children probably the mistakes of their fathers, because they will grow up with the same values, with the same fears, the same prejudices.

I would like to add as many thought, to speak of many other stories that made me think in these days, but it seems to me that this is already quite full of meaning and does not need further comment.
soon, hugs and kisses
common to all,


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