Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Skype Multi Conference Possible


Happy Christmas to all!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Building Dune Buggy Plans


and where there are no balls.

I know, the world is full, but from my we see that shares have found their habitat.

Maybe it's time for me to understand that there are people who have scales of values \u200b\u200bthat are exactly the opposite of mine and I like it or not, things are unlikely to change.
I've always believed that these people could somehow manage to figure out ways of thinking other than their own and do not try to impose all the time.
Maybe you feel the strongest, or just think they need to be others to adapt to change and not them.

I feel I am in the middle of a duel, and I hope to be the fastest.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Example Warning Memos Format


I apologize for the lack of all these days, but I have several things to fix in my life. I hope this time
New Year 's can truly be a year with new life. Sometimes in life we \u200b\u200bfeel the need to change, and this is my turn.
Ben back together ...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

2 Bedroomed House Plans


Friday, October 24, 2008

23 Weeeks Pregnant Upset Stomach

Current predictions

haha! I have called them "troublemakers " Berlusconi before he did! I'm just an evil genius ... I almost do I sign up to Force Italy and career ... BUT NO!
Hugs and kisses spread

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Republic's editorial today ... the problem is that a large part of the Italian people will not see anything wrong with fist Iron Berlusconi, on the contrary, it will be very pleased and will tell you that those troublemakers of the universities they deserved their own.

If the dissent is a crime


front of a protest against the school reform that expands in all over Italy and involves students, teachers, principals and even rectors, Pr esidente Council has responded by announcing that the University will send the police to prevent the occupation. Berlusconi's capacity to criminalize all forms of opposition to his leadership has now come this far, to militarize a project of educational reform, to transform the birth of a movement on offense to make the university concerned an issue of public policy, bringing forty years after the law enforcement successes in the universities without any incidents and clashes, but almost foreshadowing.

Someone should explain to the Premier that the public debate and dissent are proper elements of a democratic society, not attacks on the totem of the supreme power to decide without any limit and any conditions, which transforms the legitimate autonomy of the government in command and will. As if the government of the country was also the only party member to "do" politics in the Italy of 2008, with an outline of subjects. And as if the students were customers, not actors, in a school where Education is a service and not a right.

If there was a calculation, the phrases seem to think Berlusconi on purpose to burn the University, in confusing a bonfire rival school children (perhaps with the different media of some disorder) and the protesters of the Democratic Party, on Saturday. But more than the calculation, has the instinct, and above all the true figure of Berlusconi's power, that is the intolerance for dissent.

Witness the attack on the newspaper and the RAI done by a premier publisher, owner of three private television stations and with the political control of the three networks, so no sense of decency, as in September the space dedicated by the six major news in the government, its leader and the majority ranged from 50.17 percent to 82, 25. Maybe Berlusconi wants to militarize the free residual printing. Or perhaps "save", as he will with the banks.
( October 23, 2008 )

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pert Boobs And Niples


oh my God, I realized that the link of the post yesterday was not accurate ... you will not have mica thought that my new guru was uolterrrr, right ?!?!? (Has ceased to be a long time ago now unfortunately ...)
I was referring to Carlo Petrini, watch the interview, it is really worth!
I miss you, kisses and hugs
disseminated and deployed all
Benni the fake Belgian

Monday, October 20, 2008

Dog Has Very Itchy Eyes


return (finally) on the blog to announce that I have found my new guru.
illumination came to me the other day listening to Fabio Fazio a "Che tempo che fa".
This man has understood everything and did not add anything else. You can find it at this address
. And tell me if I'm right ...

For the rest ... there's so much else to tell the truth!
But I'll tell soon!
Kisses and hugs always your common
, Benni

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

How Long Take Omeprazole


Many thanks to those who commissioned me.
I enjoyed it and could not be otherwise, is always
Lobo Lobo.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Php Seriennummern Generator Howto


I do not write on the blog for three months, I'm really a shame to humanity! Yet
of things I could tell plenty of them: in fact, now I'm writing from a computer at the Italian Embassy in Paris where I do a quarterly strictly unpaid internship.
In the meantime I'm back from Miami, I got the license, I found the most important people in my life, Political acid has become the most talked-about newspaper in the world, I unpacked, I redid the suitcases and now here I am!
After a month and a half here I've got some little thing fundamental

- if you want to be a diplomat must be able to lick your ass to everyone (everyone, without discrimination) is in a position even slightly higher than yours;

- all other in return you are free to treat them as doormats;

- the woman diplomat in Italy is practically nonexistent;

- the secretaries on the other hand are always women;

- diplomats always eat well that have both a latch and free petrol;

- interns in return you must bring schiscetta from home because there is no damage nun je ticket restaurant;

- is not true that diplomats are well aware of English and French;

- on the other hand I'm maturing a discreet spoken by them borgatara de Castelli;

- diplomats are a bunch so;

- if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to learn to use the internet, on the other hand, the diplomats could sit quietly at home all day to scratch his belly ;

I could go on, but the gist is simply that I decided to do a diplomatic career.

After gaining the choice of not wanting to make the au pair for life, here is this other important piece that is added to the heading "how not to throw his life down the toilet." Perhaps
proceeding three months in three months in about a decade I have excluded from the range of options for the future a sufficient number of professions ...

For now I leave you the picture of the reception we were invited for the festival on June 2 at the residence of the Ambassador. You try to scrounge the little that you can ...

Hugs and kisses to all common,
I came back,

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Pokemon Silver Cheat Vba

E 'guilty of Norway! I'm

few days ago in the NY Times front page was an article that put the cross in Norway for having loudly proclaimed their intention of becoming a country with zero emissions through more making investments in environmental projects in developing countries (possibility provided by the Kyoto agreement) that effectively cutting substantially its (already very small to tell the truth ...); the article pointed out, moreover, total inconsistency of this country who lives on the oil and export more if he could not lose all his proverbial wealth, but at the same time increases the prices of petrol and SUV taxes to discourage its citizens to use them.

Now, without considering the merits, let's assume that the plan has some holes in Norway, suffers from inconsistency background etc.. etc.. but the most influential and respected newspaper in a country where those who can afford it have a fridge to "double", live on the air conditioning on ppppallla even when not needed and have (at least) an eight-seater minibus with integrated dvd scarrozza their little children, in a country where talk about the environment are just spots of the largest oil companies promise to invest their profits in research for new energy sources (Yeah, right ... then there was the groundhog who package the chocolate !!!); word that a major newspaper in the country more "pollution" of the world, face the moral status Scandinavian ... well, to me it sounds quite like a jack ass (excuse the vulgarity)!
It seems a little 'a way to reassure readers saying
"Look guys, here nothing is done to tackle the emergency bigger than our planet, but do not worry, at least we We are not hypocrites like those losers the Norwegians (and Europeans in general) they make a lot of moralizing the world, but then export the oil. ps go ahead not to do the collection, does not see anyone! "

It 's a bit like the Corriere della Sera whether to take the powerful Mafioso ... of Denmark

Ah ahi ahi ...
It is not just incidental, but is still significant.
Hugs and kisses spread,

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

How To Make Cookies In Kenstar Oven

PD! (Also in Miami)

are away on April 14 and I can not even vote (maledizione!), the least I can do is put this video on my blog today because when the afternoon I saw for the first time I laughed as I happened a long time, why did my friends and people who have decided to put his face and we believe, because I also believe, because it demonstrates that doing policy you can have fun and why we need an optimism different from that of the promises of the psycho-dwarf.

Yes we can, if unrepentant racists in this country of the EC bit 'does' Obbbama, Uolter also has a chance!

kisses and hugs widespread and profuse

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Piano Pieces Played In Unleashed

do not know why ...

"After the porn star Cicciolina, the transgender Luxuria, comes a new application challenging for the Italian parliament: the gypsy. Dijana Pavlovic, Serbia and Romni (woman of Roma origin), actress and cultural mediator is In fact, the number 8 on the list of the Rainbow Left the House. "
So begins an article just released on corriere.it.
do not know if you too, but I personally feel caused (and threatened) by the candidacy of a certain Salvatore Cuffaro (UDC), a certain Vladimiro Crisafulli (PD - Walter This is not me you had to do ...) of a certain Ciarrapico, Dell'Utri a certain, ah, I forgot, some of Silvio Berlusconi.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Diarrhea And Vomiting With Kidney Stones?


The other day I opened the folder where the kindergarten teacher put warnings for the families of the children. One of those invited to take an Israeli soldier, sending him a parcel of the value of ten dollars on the occasion of Purim (a major Jewish holiday).
The day before yesterday a Palestinian gunman killed eight Israeli students in Jerusalem, and during the previous week, the attacks by the Israeli army have made about 130 casualties among the population of the Gaza Strip.
automatically ask me why I came, instead of singing these children a hypocrite "Shalom Aleichem" (Peace be upon you) during the celebration of the Sabbath and then ask for their money for an army fighting an ongoing war, bloody, illegal and unjust, not what they are taught tolerance, peace, justice, why not help them understand that violence is wrong in every sense, because they convince us they are dead it is just crying and insulting to the dead ...

These things leave a bitter taste in the mouth because they know how few are the hopes for change: engaging children probably the mistakes of their fathers, because they will grow up with the same values, with the same fears, the same prejudices.

I would like to add as many thought, to speak of many other stories that made me think in these days, but it seems to me that this is already quite full of meaning and does not need further comment.
soon, hugs and kisses
common to all,

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Female Tattoo Designs

Juno and other amenities

adequately prepared for the Oscar night I just saw "Juno "The independent film that, after winning the Rome Film Festival, is likely to win four of the precious statues (including best film and best director) that will be distributed tomorrow night.
This is a tender film, kind, sensitive strings lightly touching, a film that tells a particular story in a very "normal", non-judgmental, no universal solutions, magic formulas or Greek tragedies in Hollywood ... I really enjoyed and highly recommend (especially for girls).
One of the highlights of the film is without doubt the interpretation of Ellen Page, the young protagonist, so different from the hundreds of teenagers to the rescue of a thousand strokes from disney channel that I have to put up with from morning to night in this house, not If nominated for the Oscar against various sacred cows. When I read

the stories of these "enfants prodigy" (Ellen is a year younger than me), I wonder if the choices made so far have been the right ones, if you have not taken the wrong road, if I have missed the opportunity to become other than what I'm getting. My mouth, nose, ears and above all full of doubts that buzz incessantly.
It seems to me that everything is running so fast and that long-postponed decisions, have now been made from time to my place ...

Then luckily, by chance, your mp3 player pulls out a song heard a thousand times and re-heard in a very popular spot, but played for the first time three minutes ago:

"Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in

No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins

The rest is still unwritten"

C'è speranza...forse.

In ogni caso un grande grazie a chi ha inventato POP music and this kind of comforting slogan!

For the rest it's all right: I take care of the little children, but especially explore, chat, I look around, I know other au pairs and I have breakfast in the typical American bar with retired .. well, I'm acclimating.

The photo that I leave is emblematic of c me that the Americans call art ...

Hugs and kisses to all common (and a Special thanks to dear Jerome that he remembered me in his blog ...) Love


Monday, February 11, 2008

Difference Between Negligence Malpractice

Black with white ... no dyes and American musical dominance deserved!

Yesterday, returning from the beach, I was lucky enough to find one of the few buses going around here, I uploaded my powerful medium on the convenient bike rack attached to the nose of the bus, I paid the ticket and I looked around. I was the only white. All my fellow passengers, mostly African-American women, were returning from large luxury hotels in South Beach Sunday after yet another arduous work.

Since here the impression is that the great American model of integration is a bit 'a myth, at least in these parts. Whites with whites, blacks with blacks, Latinos with Latinos, Orthodox Jews (a huge community in Miami) with Orthodox Jews. Of mixed couples I think I've seen (not known, but only views), two more than twenty days. As soon as I got my family has called you to be careful because "even though ours is a good neighborhood, the nearby black neighborhood is ...". The public school is the eldest daughter in the area of \u200b\u200bLittle Havana, the most Latin of the city where 60% of those talks, however, as before English language, but the child does not attend any of his companions outside the school context. Only neighbors (white ones) or children of friends.
communities do not have time or opportunity for dialogue. Hispanics and African-Americans usually work for whites. The report ends here.
But it is not just a matter of social position, ethnic differentiation itself as horizontal problem, beyond the barriers of "class: the rich are blacks with blacks, with whites and poor whites are, so to speak.
Wherever there are written in English, English and even Creole, even these do not help clivages language.

Looking at things from this perspective we can understand why Barack Obama really represents a real novelty. Of course, things do not change with a magic wand, these divisions have become crystallized and solid and not just a president of color to their relaxation. But it would be an important recognition that would go well beyond the month of "black history" under way in that time or the place dedicated to Rosa Parks on the bus ...

Beyond these considerations, beyond a certain limit that is harmful to health, last night I enjoyed three hours and a half of Grammy Awards: for this there is nothing to tell friends, Americans do it better!
E 'was really an exciting evening, including commemoration of former great artists, performances of new and unimaginable duets, who would have made the apparently very bad kid rock singing, and well, with seventy-five first ever winner of a Grammy 50 years ago? Where you find Tina Turner 200 years singing and dancing with Beyoncé still fun as a young girl wrapped in an embarrassing silver jumpsuit? Or Alicia Keys duetting with the hologram of Frank Sinatra? O Aretha, the vast, endless, wonderful Aretha that performs with a wonderful gospel choir? And the legendary Amy Winehouse singing via satellite because they have not given a visa, but then Cucca all the major awards (I stress that I discovered when I still did not know anyone ... ahem !)??? O tear while Kanye West raps the song for the dead mother?

A feast of music (not just pop and commercial, but also black, jazz, indie, rock, country and so on and so forth), and also of the glamorous American kitscheria ending in the most beautiful way, with a finale that is completely unexpected given that the award for best album of the year, instead of going to the already titolatissima Amy sgallettato or some artist from the standings, was awarded to the composer and jazz musician Herbie Hancock, with its dismal 40,000 copies sold, unless all expected to receive this award! But ...

Hugs and kisses to all popular

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Small Burnt Orange Bathroom Rugs

in cars made in installments, god is dead ...

Today we went to buy (actually a lease) the new convertible car for Mr. Christopher, the father of my family "adopted".
The first impression you get coming here is located in a lush desert dotted with large, modern and secular (but maybe not), cathedrals, shops.

The main purpose is sold, no matter what, at what price, how. Never mind that cars, hamburgers, insurance, medicine, swimming, curling, robots for the home ... the important thing is to sell and, of course, buy.
The impact is quite shocking, especially when the person you are hosting at home, kind, intelligent, brilliant, really smart, instead of pointing the museum or the nearest beach, alerts you to the best mall in the area!
may seem a joke or an exaggeration, but it is so, and I assure you that this is not the typical fat American cheeseburger with protruding ears and burp included or addicted to fitness and lips redone chiwawa handbag from American TV series. .. Here
purchase takes just a social, cultural, almost its sanctity (which is perhaps the shops nn cathedrals are "profane"), if made, is an important part of the day, if not, a missed opportunity or a moment that you expect with fervor, with anxiety. Miami

course, much less the U.S. I believe, not just this and there are a thousand other things that struck me in these first two weeks and maybe I'll tell you later: the huge size of the town and the beach (which seems never end, and despite the beautiful and warm sunny days, it is always incredibly empty), the diversity of rhythms and styles of life of the little family with which I do, brilliantly, the baby-sitter, than the "Mediterranean" we are used to us ... and many other things really!

There will be time for now be content with these initial thoughts and messy! A big hug

ps the photo has nothing to do so with all the talk, but I liked it! If you want to see more go to http://caccadaurlo.spaces.live.com/

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Where Can I Buy Swartkopf Products

panta rei

A person whom I care the other day told me that last year we lost that we have thrown away. It 's true, with this person what happened. With many others do not.
Yet this evening, just hours from that international flight that will take me so far, I'm so afraid, because This time everything is different.
In three months I'll be here again, it is true, but how we'll stay? How long will I spend on people who were near me so far? What I can share with them? What will remain of these intense years spent together? Photos, cards, video, words? The word "memory" is the word I hate most in the world, I just can not hear ...
always the same person I mentioned earlier told me that he envied those who leave, why put one on so many bricks to build their future.
Just, just, for pity's sake, but at the same time I am bringing down those walls behind me as I turn my back and I'm gone?
The fear is this. It is enough. Everything else, I know, it's perfect.
To exorcise all these bad thoughts, I leave the two of them.

In high seas or in high seas, I'm gonna be your friend,
and in high tide or in low tide, I'll be by your side ...

Hugs and kisses, and diffused a pleasant journey to you,